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FB Kedjor AB

Phone: +46 (0)16 15 33 00

Visitors: Sättargatan 4

Post: Box 304, SE-631 04 Eskilstuna, Sweden


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    UK | FB Chain

    Letchworth Garden City Works Road Hertfordshire

    UK | FBKC

    Gorse Street Blackburn

    Germany | FB Ketten GmbH

    Stakelbrauk 11 D-59889 Eslohe

    France | FB Chaines SARL

    Zone Artisanale F-68510 SIERENTZ

    Austria | FB Ketten Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H

    Gewerbepark Süd 5 A-6330 Kufstein

    Norway | FB Kjeder AS

    Jernkroken 7 0976 Oslo

    France | FB Chaînes SARL

    2, rue des Romains F-68510 SIERENTZ

    Schweiz | FB Ketten, Handelsgesellschaft mbH.

    Feldweg 9, CH-3806 Bönigen SCHWEIZ

    Finland | FB Ketju Oy

    Yrittäjäntie 14 27230 Lappi

    FB Kedjor


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    Sundsvall, Sverige

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    Sundsvall, Sverige

    FB Kedjor


    FB Kedjor



    Patrick Schönfeldt

    Sales Manager

    Mail Patrick Schönfeldt

    (+46) 70 576 12 00

    Peter Törnfeldt

    Product Manager & Segment Manager


    Mail Peter Törnfeldt

    (+46) 70 694 72 42

    Roger Eliasson

    Sales Manager Southern Norrland & Segment Manager


    Mail Roger Eliasson

    (+46) 70 330 37 29

    Håkan Spärlin

    Business Development & Segment Manager


    Mail Håkan Spärlin

    (+46) 70 259 77 99

    Andreas Stenberg



    Mail Andreas Stenberg

    (+46) 70 637 30 28

    Emelie Glenning

    Purchasing & Sales Support

    Mail Emelie Glenning

    (+46) 73 084 55 10

    Glenn Jaasund

    Installation Coordinator & Sales support


    Mail Glenn Jaasund

    (+46) 16 15 33 14

    Marie Thunblad

    Back Office Coordinator

    Mail Marie Thunblad

    (+46) 76 772 42 92

    Stein Erik Sundve

    Sales Manager

    Sweden & Norway

    Mail Stein Erik Sundve

    (+47) 47 459 004


    John Karlsson


    Mail John Karlsson

    (+46) 70 310 17 58 // (+46) 16 15 33 17

    Linda Holmström

    Finance Manager

    Mail Linda Holmström

    (+46) 70 338 33 75 // (+46) 16 15 33 10

    Patrick Schönfeldt

    Sales Manager

    Mail Patrick Schönfeldt

    (+46) 70 576 12 00

    Peter Törnfeldt

    Product Manager & Segment Manager


    Mail Peter Törnfeldt

    (+46) 70 694 72 42

    Lukas Edvardsson

    Sales Support Manager/Technical Manager

    Mail Lukas Edvardsson

    (+46) 70 219 85 60

    Installation & Inspection

    Thomas Wieweg

    Installation Manager

    Mail Thomas Wieweg

    (+46) 70 253 84 20

    Tomas Wretman

    Installation Manager

    Mail Tomas Wretman

    (+46) 70 262 52 28

    Fredrik Berglund

    Installation Manager

    Wood Recycling

    Mail Fredrik Berglund

    (+46) 76 776 84 44

    Warehouse & Production

    Fredrik Ahlström

    Warehouse & Production

    Mail Fredrik Ahlström

    (+46) 70 515 78 06

    Tord Nyman

    Warehouse & Production

    Mail Tord Nyman

    (+46) 70 228 81 64

    Finance & Administration

    Linda Holmström

    Finance Manager

    Mail Linda Holmström

    (+46) 70 338 33 75 // (+46) 16 15 33 10

    Therese Malmqvist

    Finance Assistant

    Mail Therese Malmqvist

    (+46) 70-225 39 94

    Technical Support & Quality

    Lukas Edvardsson

    Technical Manager

    Mail Lukas Edvardsson

    (+46) 70 219 85 60