Discover the Chain of Success.

Move your company onwards and upwards with FB Kedjor as your business partner. Whether you transport iron ore in a mine or fragile chocolates in a confection factory, we can refine and improve everything relating to conveyor systems. That’s because we know our customers’ processes, and can take on any challenge. Please contact us, and let us know where you would like to make your operation even better. Together we can boost your company’s finances and environmental work.

This is FB Kedjor

FB Kedjor develops, manufactures and sells high-quality chains and accessories for industry and the public sector. Our products make working systems safer, while also being resource and cost efficient. With more than 100 years in the business, FB Kedjor is home to a huge amount of knowledge and experience. We use this in developing new products and groundbreaking technical solutions. At FB Kedjor, we like to be on the cutting edge. We are driven by a desire to meet customers’ challenges, and we always add value – both technically and financially. Think of us as your first-choice partner and advisor in all things related to mechanical conveyor systems.

Sustainability is the starting point

Sustainability is an important watchword – not only for FB Kedjor but for the whole world. If a company is to be vital and progress as a going concern, sustainability has to be a key element of everything it does. It’s about fostering people’s knowledge and experience, and making sure that work takes place safely and securely, without the risk of mental strain or personal injury. It’s also about not wasting valuable energy and resources on outdated conveyer systems or unnecessary detours. At FB Kedjor, all our work on developing new products and solutions includes people, the environment and sustainability as part of the fundamental starting-point.

We are taking the lead towards helping our customers to reduce their CO2 impact and meet their CO2 goals

We have a commitment to reduce FB Kedjors and our customers CO2 emissions. Therefore, we continuously search for new alternatives to reduce the CO2 impact by improved solutions within product design, transport and sourcing.

FB Kedjor has analyzed the carbon footprint of steel conveyor chains. Starting from the raw material to our customers premises. The CO2 footprint data of the conveyor chains, enables improved quality reporting for our customers Scope 3 emissions.

2,3 tons Co2e/ton product

By choosing FB Kedjor’s conveyor chains you reduce your CO2 impact due to:

  • Iron ore from Sweden
  • Swedish and Finnish green electricity in the production
  • Short and optimized logistics
  • Smart product design

Comparing with the global average, FB Kedjors conveyor chains enable a 10% reduced CO2 footprint.*

Do you want to know more about how FB Kedjor helps you to reduce your Scope 2 CO2 emissions and water consumption in an economically profitable way? Click here to read more about ECOSAVING.

Please reach out if you would like to see our full CO2 footprint calculation, for us it is important with transparency of our data.

* SSABs Benchmark 2020

Our operation

FB Kedjor works exclusively with high-quality products. And the reason is simple: chains and accessories that have a guaranteed long life – and are safe to handle – lead to better economy for you, the customer. It’s all about long-term thinking. For the best possible results, FB Kedjor also offers product installation and follow-up. As well as equipment produced in-house, our range now also includes products from other manufacturers. Just like FB Kedjor, these companies are among the very best in the business.

Code of Conduct

FB Kedjor strives to maintain a transparent business climate and high business ethics. We therefore offer a whistleblower service that can be used by anyone to draw attention to if something is not handled in line with our values ​​and code of conduct. To guarantee anonymity for the whistleblower, we use an external partner, Whistle B.

Click here to read more about our Code of Conduct and click here to access our external whistleblower function.

Large standard stock for fast delivery

FB Kedjor keeps a large supply of spare parts to help assure our customers’ operations. It is always well-stocked and optimized, as many years of selling chains have taught us what our customers need, and when. From receiving an order, our warehouse dispatches within 24 hours.

Part of the Addtech group

In 2001, FB Kedjor and its associated companies were incorporated into Addtech, a technical trading group. This gave us access to even more high-tech expertise, including in industrial components and systems. With Addtech behind us, we can offer more customer-unique solutions. For you, the customer, this means even better products and optimized production processes.

FB Kedjor around the world

FB Kedjor has a total of about 170 employees, in eight different countries. This means that if your company has branches or affiliates abroad, you can draw on the synergetic effects of an international company. FB Kedjor is also the only company in its industry in Sweden and Norway that has its own production. We can therefore guarantee quality and develop products and solutions in a completely unique way, unlike other companies that rely on a number of different subcontractors all over the world.